Enabling Outlook's Language Detection

The Mail Express Add-In uses Outlook's proofing language detection to determine in which language an email is written. If you want to enable the Auto detect email language setting in Mail Express, you must enable Outlook's Detect language automatically proofing setting.

Before Outlook's Detect language automatically option can detect the language that you are typing and enable the proofing tools for that language, you must turn on the language-specific options you want to use.

To turn on language specific options

To enable Outlook's Detect language automatically proofing setting

From the Microsoft Office links above: "Automatic language detection does not work on a single-word basis, but on a sentence basis. Depending on the length of your sentences, you might need to type several sentences before Outlook has enough contextual information to automatically detect the language and apply the correct dictionary."

Outlook must be restarted for the changes to take effect. After you have turned on the language-specific options in Microsoft Office and enabled Outlook's Detect language automatically proofing setting, then the Mail Express Add-In's automatic language detection feature will be enabled.

Refer to Configuring Message Options for details of language send options in the Mail Express Outlook Add-In.

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Last modified: 07 October 2013 at 9:14:19