The Inbox displays the email packages that were sent to you. You can search and sort the list.
To view your Inbox
In the navigation pane, click Inbox. The Inbox appears.
To search for items
Specify the date range to filter data in the Date Sent column. ("12:00 AM" equals midnight of the previous day.)
Search based on the sender's email address or subject in the Search box.
To clear the search and display all packages, click Reset.
To sort the table
Click the column heading by which you want to sort (Sender, Subject, Date Sent, or Expiration).
To move to other pages of the table
Click the navigation controls that appear above the column headers when more than one page of results is available (e.g., "Showing 1 to 20 of 103 <<<123456>>>").
To go to the Pick-Up Portal
Click the files icon
in the Files column to
go to the Pick-Up Portal
from which you can download the files.
To return to the Inbox, click View all packages you have received.