Mail Express™ allows you to send and receive email file attachments to recipients inside and outside of your organization quickly, reliably, and securely, while reducing the load on your mail server and without manually creating or maintaining FTP accounts. Mail Express can send files as an Add-In to Microsoft Outlook, with secure authentication, and auditing capabilities.
When you send an attachment, the attachment is uploaded to Mail Express Server over HTTPS. When Mail Express manages the email, it uploads the attachments to the Mail Express Server, removes the attachments from email, and inserts a link that the recipient can click to download the attachments. When the recipient clicks the hyperlink in the email notification, a Web page appears that allows the recipient to download the attachment. This process helps you to stay within your organization's mailbox quota, since the email itself is normally quite small. (The email will remain in the Outbox until the Add-In is finished processing the email and uploading its attachments.)
The Mail Express Add-In is configured by the network system administrator. The Add-In can be configured to have very strict settings or flexible settings. Instructions for adjusting the settings on a workstation are in Configuring Message Options.