Table Name: | medatabase.AbstractSingleton |
Description: | Common attributes for configuration items. |
Primary Keys: | identifier |
Field | Type | Defaults | Nulls? | Comments |
identifier | numeric - Identity | None | No | Unique ID for an entry. |
createdDate | datetime | None | No | The original creation data/time for the entry. |
modifiedDate | datetime | None | No | The last modified date/time for the entry. |
version | numeric (19) | None | No | The version number for the entry. |
crux | nvarchar (24) | None | Yes | Random seed data. |
kind | nvarchar (256) | None | Yes | The type of configuration; enforces uniqueness of the single instance of the configuration. |
Index | Clustered? | Unique? | Fields |
PK__Abstract__D112ED4954D74D5E | Yes | Yes | identifier |
UQ__Abstract__ED32B96157B3BA09 | No | Yes | kind |
Primary Key as Foreign Key Constraint | Affected Table | Affected Field |
FK19A00FE32C87F94 | PickupConfig | identifier |
FK3CA0D2AC32C87F94 | ReplyConfig | identifier |
FK459A15832C87F94 | SmtpConfig | identifier |
FK48FE93532C87F94 | DMZGatewayConfig | identifier |
FK6A394DE932C87F94 | LdapConfig | identifier |
FK70F86B6232C87F94 | DropoffConfig | identifier |
FKA155673232C87F94 | DatabasePurgeConfig | identifier |
FKA8B4265C32C87F94 | LocaleConfig | identifier |
FKB73C5A2A32C87F94 | GeneralConfig | identifier |
FKC378407F32C87F94 | InternalConfig | identifier |
FKC69F33FE32C87F94 | FileConfig | identifier |
FKCB2114F532C87F94 | EftConfig | identifier |
FKF1E3B59432C87F94 | WebServicesConfig | identifier |