Table Name: | medatabase.Auditor |
Description: | Links the source entity, such as a user, that triggered an audit event to the event's entry in the audit log. |
Primary Keys: | identifier |
Field | Type | Defaults | Nulls? | Comments |
identifier | numeric - Identity | None | No | Unique ID for an entry. |
createdDate | datetime | None | No | The date of the audit event. |
ipAddress | nvarchar (256) | None | Yes | The ip address of the session that triggered the audit event, if applicable. |
actor_identifier | numeric (19) | None | Yes | The unique ID of the user that triggered the audit event, if applicable. Maps to Actor.identifier. |
Index | Clustered? | Unique? | Fields |
PK__Auditor__D112ED497BF11A7F | Yes | Yes | identifier |
Internal Foreign Key Constraint | Affected Field | Source Table |
FK_Auditor_actor | actor_identifier | Actor |
Primary Key as Foreign Key Constraint | Affected Table | Affected Field |
FK3D30355095EB91ED | ReplyConfig_extnsnsExclddLog | logNumber |
FK44557A9695EB91ED | ReplyConfig_rcpntDmnsAllwdLog | logNumber |
FK50D3CA3695EB91ED | DropoffConfig_rcptDmnsAllwdLog | logNumber |
FK5367B5B595EB91ED | InternalConfig_fileExtnsnsLog | logNumber |
FK7C00B24195EB91ED | LocaleConfig_activeLocaleLog | logNumber |
FKA178A52F95EB91ED | ActorLog | logNumber |
FKB3F6227D95EB91ED | EftConfig_syncConfigLog | logNumber |
FKB85DD0DF95EB91ED | GeneralConfig_bndngStrngsLog | logNumber |
FKBFB25F5A95EB91ED | DropoffConfig_extnsnsExclddLog | logNumber |
FKFEA1089B95EB91ED | AbstractSingletonLog | logNumber |