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Table Name: medatabase.Docket_Dispatch
Description: The list of Dispatches corresponding to the Docket. (e.g. the records of download).
Primary Keys: Docket_identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
Docket_identifier numeric (19) None No ID to map back to the 'Docket' table.
dispatches_identifier numeric (19) None No An entry in the collection.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__Docket_D__3AE92269202E7AF5 Yes Yes Docket_identifier
UQ__Docket_D__8F6E6FCC230AE7A0 No Yes dispatches_identifier

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FK_Docket_Dispatch_a Docket_identifier Docket
FK_Docket_Dispatch_b dispatches_identifier Dispatch

No primary keys as foreign key constraints
No triggers

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Last modified: 07 October 2013 at 9:14:21