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Table Name: medatabase.GeneralConfigLog
Description: Auditing table for changes to corresponding with table GeneralConfig.
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
identifier numeric (19) None No Unique ID for an entry.
logNumber numeric (19) None No Audit log identifier.
appletDefault tinyint None Yes Whether we display the java applet first by default.
appletEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether file transfers through java applet are enabled or not.
certInstallDate datetime None Yes The installation data/time of the current SSL certificate.
defaultLandingPage nvarchar (255) None Yes The default landing page for MailExpress. One of InternalPortal, DropoffPortal or UserChoice (User is prompted and then re-directed to the portal of their choice if accessible.).
eftComPermitted tinyint None Yes Whether or not the EFT functionality is permitted.
fileSystemRoot nvarchar (4000) None Yes The path to the location where attachments will be stored.
hostName nvarchar (256) None Yes The hostname to use for package pickup links.
authenticationEnabled tinyint None Yes Whether or not authentication is used with the proxy.
proxyAddress nvarchar (256) None Yes The ip address for the proxy.
proxyPort int None Yes The port used for the proxy.
proxyType nvarchar (255) None Yes Specifies connection settings (system proxy, no proxy, or explicitly defined).
address nvarchar (80) None Yes The street address of the contact that preformed registration.
city nvarchar (80) None Yes The city of the contact that preformed registration.
company nvarchar (80) None Yes The company of the contact that preformed registration.
country nvarchar (80) None Yes The country of the contact that preformed registration.
email nvarchar (80) None Yes The email of the contact that preformed registration.
postalCode nvarchar (80) None Yes The postal code of the contact that preformed registration.
registrationUser nvarchar (80) None Yes The name of the contact that preformed registration.
state nvarchar (80) None Yes The state or province of the contact that preformed registration.
systemNotifyEmail nvarchar (256) None Yes The list of email addresses to which system notifications should be sent.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__GeneralC__B55535B7699D601A Yes Yes identifier

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FK5841A8BAD247948F identifier AbstractSingletonLog
FK5841A8BAD247948F logNumber AbstractSingletonLog

No primary keys as foreign key constraints
No triggers

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Last modified: 07 October 2013 at 9:14:19