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Table Name: medatabase.InternalConfig
Description: The configuration for the Outlook Add-in and Internal Portal.
Primary Keys: identifier
Field Type Defaults Nulls? Comments
accountInviteEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not internal users with the correct permission are allowed globally to send account invites.
addinEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not the Outlook Add-in services are enabled.
attachmentCount int None No The attachment count.
attachmentCountEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not the number of attachments policy is enabled.
disconnectBehavior nvarchar (255) None No Specifies how the Outlook Add-in should handle emails when disconnected from the server. One of Queue, Send, Unset.
embeddedEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not embedded attachments should be managed by the Outlook Add-in.
enforceRtfConversion tinyint None No Whether, when policy would otherwise dictate that MailExpress should manage a message, the Add-in should require the user to change the format to something other than RTF, or let the message go as RTF (and consequently avoid MailExpress).
fileExtensionEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not the file extension policy is enabled.
fileSizeEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not the file size policy is enabled.
fileSizeThreshold numeric (19) None No The file size threshold in bytes.
integrityCheckEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not a digest calculation should be performed to insure the integrity of transferred files.
internalUsrAcctInviteEnabled tinyint None No Whether newly auto-generated internal users have permission to send invites.
linkExpirationTimeNumber int None Yes The numerical component of the period at which package pickup will expire.
linkExpirationTimeUnit nvarchar (255) None Yes The time unit component of the period at which package pickup will expire. Values values: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS.
linkExpirationEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not the package pickup expires after a certain time period.
messageSizeEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not behavior based on the aggregate message size is enabled.
messageSizeThreshold numeric (19) None No The message size threshold in bytes.
pluginUsageRequired nvarchar (255) None No Policy enforcing when the Outlook Add-in should be used. One of Always, DontRequire, BasedOnPolicy.
replyInviteBehavior nvarchar (255) None No Specifies when me replies should be added to emails.
replyInviteUsrChoiceDefault nvarchar (255) None No Specifies the defaulted value for me replies when admin has chosen User Choice.
serviceEnabled tinyint None No Whether or not the internal portal services are enabled.
identifier numeric (19) None No Unique ID for an entry.

Index Clustered? Unique? Fields
PK__Internal__D112ED49750F12C6 Yes Yes identifier

No check constraints
Internal Foreign Key Constraint Affected Field Source Table
FKC378407F32C87F94 identifier AbstractSingleton

Primary Key as Foreign Key Constraint Affected Table Affected Field
FK6262E70FFA326956 InternalConfig_fileExtnsns InternalConfig_identifier

No triggers

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Last modified: 07 October 2013 at 9:14:21