Field |
Type |
Defaults |
Nulls? |
Comments |
identifier |
numeric (19) |
None |
No |
Unique ID for an entry. |
logNumber |
numeric (19) |
None |
No |
Audit log identifier. |
accountInviteEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether or not internal users with the correct permission are allowed globally to send account invites. |
addinEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether or not the Outlook Add-in services are enabled. |
attachmentCount |
int |
None |
Yes |
The attachment count. |
attachmentCountEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether or not the number of attachments policy is enabled. |
disconnectBehavior |
nvarchar (255) |
None |
Yes |
Specifies how the Outlook Add-in should handle emails when disconnected from the server. One of Queue, Send, Unset. |
embeddedEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether or not embedded attachments should be managed by the Outlook Add-in. |
enforceRtfConversion |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether, when policy would otherwise dictate that MailExpress should manage a message, the Add-in should require the user to change the format to something other than RTF, or let the message go as RTF (and consequently avoid MailExpress). |
fileExtensionEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether or not the file extension policy is enabled. |
fileSizeEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether or not the file size policy is enabled. |
fileSizeThreshold |
numeric (19) |
None |
Yes |
The file size threshold in bytes. |
integrityCheckEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether or not a digest calculation should be performed to insure the integrity of transferred files. |
internalUsrAcctInviteEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether newly auto-generated internal users have permission to send invites. |
linkExpirationTimeNumber |
int |
None |
Yes |
The numerical component of the period at which package pickup will expire. |
linkExpirationTimeUnit |
nvarchar (255) |
None |
Yes |
The time unit component of the period at which package pickup will expire. Values values: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS. |
linkExpirationEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether or not the package pickup expires after a certain time period. |
messageSizeEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether or not behavior based on the aggregate message size is enabled. |
messageSizeThreshold |
numeric (19) |
None |
Yes |
The message size threshold in bytes. |
pluginUsageRequired |
nvarchar (255) |
None |
Yes |
Policy enforcing when the Outlook Add-in should be used. One of Always, DontRequire, BasedOnPolicy. |
replyInviteBehavior |
nvarchar (255) |
None |
Yes |
Specifies when me replies should be added to emails. |
replyInviteUsrChoiceDefault |
nvarchar (255) |
None |
Yes |
Specifies the defaulted value for me replies when admin has chosen User Choice. |
serviceEnabled |
tinyint |
None |
Yes |
Whether or not the internal portal services are enabled. |