Field |
Type |
Defaults |
Nulls? |
Comments |
identifier |
numeric - Identity |
None |
No |
Unique ID for an entry. |
createdDate |
datetime |
None |
No |
The original creation data/time for the entry. |
modifiedDate |
datetime |
None |
No |
The last modified date/time for the entry. |
version |
numeric (19) |
None |
No |
The version number for the entry. |
alias |
nvarchar (40) |
None |
No |
An alias for the item suitable for use when referenced externally. |
purged |
datetime |
None |
Yes |
The date/time at which the item was purged. |
accountInvite |
tinyint |
None |
No |
Whether or not this package includes account invitations. |
chunkSize |
numeric (19) |
None |
No |
The number of bytes sent at a time. |
documentCount |
int |
None |
No |
The number of Documents for the package. |
expiration |
datetime |
None |
Yes |
The expiration date/time for the package, if applicable. |
expiryNumber |
int |
None |
Yes |
The numerical component of the period at which package pickup will expire. |
expiryTimeUnit |
nvarchar (255) |
None |
Yes |
The time unit component of the period at which package pickup will expire. Values values: MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS. |
replyInvite |
tinyint |
None |
No |
Whether or not this package includes reply invitations. |
upload |
nvarchar (255) |
None |
No |
The upload state of the package. One of Initializing, InProgress, Complete, Aborted, Abandoned. |
actor_identifier |
numeric (19) |
None |
Yes |
The originating user account. |
client_identifier |
numeric (19) |
None |
Yes |
The originating client. |
manifest_identifier |
numeric (19) |
None |
Yes |
The Manifest for the package. |