If you have ever sent an email with attachments, you already know how to use Mail Express. Create the email, attach one or more files to the email, then click Send. You will continue to send and receive e-mails as always; the only difference is that Mail Express works transparently in the background to transfer the e-mails that have attachments.
The sent email is still saved to your Sent Items folder, but the attachments, if managed by Mail Express, are not saved in the Sent Items folder. Instead, a link to the attachments is added to the body of the email. The email saved to your Sent Items folder looks the same as the recipient's received email, minus the attachments.
The attachment, if managed by Mail Express, is saved on Mail Express Server in the location specified during installation, in a unique folder for each email, not on your SMTP server (such as Microsoft Exchange).
The Add-In stores information about emails that it is processing in an individual workspace, by default in %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\MailExpress.
The Mail Express administrator configures message-sending options on the Mail Express server. You can configure more strict options in Outlook for all messages or for specific messages. Refer to Configuring Message Options for details.
Sending the email can fail in the following situations:
Offline mode—Messages are stored in the outbox until Outlook is online and the Add-In connects to the Mail Express Server.
Loss of connectivity to the Mail Express server—Interrupted uploads due to loss of connectivity to the Mail Express Server are continued from the point at which they were stopped when connection to the server is re-established.
Insufficient disk space—The Add-In will receive a FileSystemError response from the server and the Add-In will treat this as an unrecoverable error. Refer to What is This--Recover Email for more information.
RTF-formatted e-mails—Mail Express 3.1 and later do not support RTF-formatted messages. To change the format for all messages sent in Outlook, refer to Changing the Message Format.
To send a file
Create an email as usual.
Attach the file to the email using the Mail Express Attach File button.
(Optional) Click Include Reply Link, if want your recipient(s) to reply using the Reply Portal to send attachments back to you. You can specify that you only want to include the reply link if attachments are managed by Mail Express.
(Optional) Configure send options such as requiring a password to download files from and upload files to Mail Express.
Click Send.