When files are attached to emails managed by Mail Express, the emails and their attachments are called packages. Occasionally, you might want to prevent users from picking up a package that was sent, because it was sent erroneously or an external sender attempted to upload malicious files. If you click a link for a package that has expired, a message appears that the package is invalid.
On the Package Management page, a table displays details of the packages currently on the Mail Express Server within a date range. The Start Date defaults to 1 day prior to the current date and time and the End Date defaults to the current date and time. Package details include:
Package ID—Unique identifier used to track the package.
Expiration—Date and time when the package will no longer be available for download.
Sender—Email address of the person who sent the package.
Recipient(s)—Email address of the person who received the package.
indicate whether the package contains files ,
reply invitations
, and/or
account invitations
. When you place your cursor
over the file icon, a tool tip displays the number of files uploaded
in the package.
You can filter the list of packages by Package ID, Expiration, Sender, or Recipient.
To manage packages
Log in to the Mail Express Server Administration Interface.
In the navigation pane, under System Information, click Package Management. The Package Management page appears.
To search for packages
Specify the date range to filter data in the Upload Time column. ("12:00 AM" equals midnight of the previous day.)
To search for data in a particular column, provide the search criteria in the Search by box, click the down arrow to specify which column to search (Package, Sender, Recipients, or Source), then click Search. For example, to search for packages sent by a specify user, in the Search by box, click Sender, then in the text box, type the user's email address or name. Wildcards are supported: use ? to match a single character and * to match 0 or more characters. Leave the Search by box blank to include all packages within a date range.
Select the Exact Match check box to control how the value in the Search box is used. If the Exact Match check box is selected, the column data must match the search value exactly.
To clear the search and display all packages, click Reset.
To sort the table
Click the column heading by which you want to sort.
To view package details
Click an icon in the Detail column to view the package details. The package details page displays information about the sender, recipients, attachments, downloads, and replies.
To expire packages
Select the check box next to the package(s) you want to expire, then click Expire selected packages. You can select all or clear all check boxes using the Select all / deselect all check box.
To move to other pages of the table
Click the navigation controls that appear above the column headers when more than one page of results is available (e.g., "Showing 1 to 20 of 103 <<<123456>>>").