The Sent Items page allows you to search for and expire emails with attachments that you do not want transferred. If the recipient clicks a link for an attachment that has expired, a message appears that the package is invalid. (A package is the group of files attached to an email.)
On the Sent Items page, you can view information about a specific email, expire the package, view which files are attached to the email and what their sizes are, who has downloaded the files, replied to a package, and download files from the package. You can also extend the expiration date, depending on the settings the administrator has set in the Internal Settings configuration page.
To manage sent items
In the navigation pane, click Sent Items. The Sent Items page appears.
On the Sent Items page, a table displays details of the packages you have sent within a date range. The Start Date defaults to 1 day prior to the current date and time and the End Date defaults to the current date and time.
Information includes:
Sender—Your display name and email address
Subject—Subject of the email
Date Sent—Date and time email was sent
Expiration—Date and time when the package will no longer be available for download.
Recipient(s)—Email address of the person who received the package.
indicate whether the package contains files ,
reply invitations
, and/or account invitations
. When you place your
cursor over the file icon, a tool tip displays the number of files
uploaded in the package. When you click the files icon, the Sender Details appear.
You can filter the list of packages by Subject, Date Sent, Expiration, or Recipient.
To search for sent items
Specify the date range to filter data in the Date Sent column. ("12:00 AM" equals midnight of the previous day.)
Search based on recipient's email address or subject in the Search box.
To clear the search and display all packages, click Reset.
To sort the table
Click the column heading by which you want to sort.
To expire packages
Select the check box next to the package you want to expire, then click Expire now. You can select or clear all check boxes using the Select all / deselect all check box.
You can also expire a package on the Sender
Details page by clicking Expire
now. (Click the files icon
to open Sender Details.)
To extend the expiration date
To move to other pages of the table
Click the navigation controls that appear above the column headers when more than one page of results is available (e.g., "Showing 1 to 20 of 103 <<<123456>>>").
When you click the files icon in the
Details column, the Sender
Details page appears. You can expire the file, extend the expiration,
and download any attachments that you've sent, even if it is expired.