Auditing Database Errors and Logging

The Server detects errors that occur while trying to connect to the ARM database and can detect errors returned from the database while attempting to perform transactions, including SQL INSERT and UPDATE statements. If an error is detected while connecting to the database or when performing a transaction on the database (SQL INSERT, UPDATE, etc.) you can configure the Server to send a notification to a specified e-mail address.

The Server also generates a Windows Event Log notification when there is an ARM database error. The log entry indicates whether auditing stopped or if the auditing data is being stored to a log file.

Once the database access is lost, either due to a connection error or transaction (INSERT or UPDATE) error, resumption of auditing to the database requires a restart of the Server or a RECONNECT request by the administrator. If the Server is configured to stop auditing, the administrator must repair the database, and then restart Secure FTP Server or use RECONNECT to resume auditing to the database.

Logging to a Text File

If the Server has been configured to log the SQL statements to a text file, the Server continues to use the text file until either the Server is restarted or until a RECONNECT request is made by the administrator. The administrator is notified by e-mail that the logging has been switched to the text file. The Secure FTP Server administrator can then repair the database, resume auditing to the database, and load the recorded text file SQL statements into the database. To ensure the completeness of the audit data, the SQL statements in the text file must be loaded into the database before executing reports over the period SQL transactions were logged to the text file.

If you click Reconnect to resume auditing to the database, and the Server is recording auditing information to the text file, The Server continues to log file transfers and/or user sessions that are in progress to that text file. New file transfers and new user sessions will continue to be logged in the database, but any in process transfers/user sessions are logged to the text file to ensure they can be inserted and linked appropriately in the database.