Available Conditions

Conditions allow you narrow the trigger definition an Event Rule. Conditions are optional: you do not have to define a condition for an Event Rule to make it trigger an Action, but conditions allow fine control over when an Action occurs.

Server Conditions

You can only apply these conditions to Server events.

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Site Conditions

You can only apply this condition to Site events.

Connection Conditions

You can apply these conditions to Connection events, User events, and File system events.

If Remote IP

If Local IP

If Local Port  

If Protocol

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User Conditions

You can apply user conditions to User events and File system events.

If User

If Login

If Account Enabled

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If Settings Level

If Full Name

If Description

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If Comment

If E-Mail Address

If Phone Number

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If Pager Number

If Fax Number

If Home Folder

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If Home Folder is root

If Quota Max

If Quota Used

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If Invalid login attempts

If User can change password

If Home IP

If User can connect using SSL

If User can connect using FTP

If User can connect using SFTP

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File System Conditions

You can apply file system conditions only to File system events.

If Virtual Path

If Physical Path

If Physical Folder Name

If File Name

Event Properties

You can apply particular properties to specific conditions for Upload Fail and Download Fail only in File system events, for User Login Failure and User Logout in User events, and for User Connect Failure in Connection events.

These are special conditions are defined by using the specific reason parameters found in the drop down menu in the specify rule condition and action parameters section.

File System Events

If Upload Fail (or Download Fail)

User Events

If User Login Failure

If User Logout

Connection Event

If User Connect Failure

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