Ensure the Server service is running. The administrator username and password are created during installation. You can manage multiple Servers with a single Administrator.
To connect to a local server
Launch the Administrator.
In the left pane, click the Server you want to administer.
On the main menu, click File, then click Connect to FTP Server. The Connect to Secure FTP Server dialog box appears.
Provide your administrator Username and Password.
Click Local Host.
Click Connect.
To connect to a remote server
Before you can connect to a remote Server, make sure the Server is configured for remote administration. |
Launch the Administrator.
In the left pane, click the Server to which you want to connect.
On the main menu, click File, then click Connect to FTP Server. The Connect to Secure FTP Server dialog box appears.
Provide your administrator Username and Password.
Click Remote Host.
In Host, provide the IP address of the remote server.
In Port, provide the port number of the remote server.
Click Connect.