Agent Connect and Disconnect Scripts

When the Agent service starts up, shuts down, or connects or disconnects from a Vault, the Agent is capable of executing customizable scripts. These scripts must be located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Globalscape\WAFS Agent folder on the computer running the Agent. None of these scripts exists by default, but if you create any of them, they will be executed by the Agent at the appropriate time. Typically, these scripts would be used for notifications, alert messages, email scripts, and so on. (See also Server Connect and Disconnect Scripts.)

If you need assistance creating scripts, contact the GlobalSCAPE Professional Services team.

At startup and shutdown, the Agent can run the following scripts:

The scripts run at the appropriate time when the Agent service is started or stopped. They are not called with any arguments.

When the Agent connects to or disconnects from a Vault, it can run the following scripts: