Changing the Default Administrator Account

It is a good idea to change the administrator's username and password to prevent unauthorized access. The username/password is required when logging in to the administration functions from a remote web browser. For security reasons, changing of the name/password can only be done on the Vault computer.

To change the administrator account information

  1. In a text editor, open Root.txt (stored by default in C:\Program Files\GlobalsSCAPE\WAFS Vault\ on a 32-bit computer or C:\Program Files (x86)\GlobalSCAPE\WAFS Vault\ on a 64-bit computer). The file consists of exactly two lines: the first line is the username and the second is the password.

  2. Edit the username and password, using only alphanumeric characters and no blanks, and save your changes. Be careful not to add any extra lines/carriage returns or any extraneous information or you will not be able to log in.

  3. You must stop and restart the Vault service for the changes to take effect.

You can store the file in a different directory, as long as a link to the file named Root.txt exists in the \WAFS Vault\ directory.