Deleting Roaming Profiles

When WAFS replicates a roaming profile, a user or administrator might not be able to delete the user's roaming profile directory and/or subdirectories. 

Depending on the level of the directory selected for deletion, the user or administrator might receive the message "Error Deleting File or Folder - Cannot remove folder <Folder>: The directory is not empty" or the folder will appear to delete, but then be replicated again from the WAFS Vault.

Before you can delete a roaming profile directory and/or subdirectories, you need to remove the "Read-only" attribute on the applicable roaming profile subdirectories under the WAFS Job's ("RoamingProfiles") P directory in the WAFS Vault.

To remove the read-only attribute from multiple subdirectories

  1. Open a Windows Command Prompt on the WAFS Vault computer. (Click Start > Run, type cmd, then click OK or press ENTER).

  2. Change directories to the top-level directory of the profile you want to delete. For example, type:

    cd AD\RoamingProfiles\P\jsmith

  3. Using the attrib command, recursively remove the read-only setting from child files/folders. Type:

    attrib -R -S -H * /S /D

    You can now delete the directory from any Agent using an administrator account.

    To prevent you from accidentally deleting folders from the Agent computer, pressing DELETE alone will not work. When deleting WAFS-replicated folders from the Agent computer, press SHIFT+DELETE.