User Conditions

You can apply User Conditions to User Events and File system Events.

  • In each of the GDPR-specific user conditions, click an option, then click OK.

  • For example, suppose you want to be notified any time an EU Data Subject joins a Workspace. You could configure an Event Rule to trigger on the User Joins Workspace event, with the EU data Subject Status condition set to Yes, and a Send email notification Action (with applicable content variables added), which could send that information to your email or the Data Protection Officer's email.

    • If (GDPR) User consent to privacy policy does or does not equal to:

    • If (GDPR) User agreement to terms of service does or does not equal to:

    • If (GDPR) User EU data subject status does or does not equal to:

    • If DUNS number does or does not equal to  [specific word]. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.

    • If (GDPR) Right exercised article ID does or does not equal [specific article ID]

    • If (GDPR) Reason given does or does not equal to [specific word or phrase]. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.

  • If User—the user account is or not a member of one or more Groups.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the user group is/is not a member of [specific group(s)].

    3. Click [specific group(s)] to open the Event Target Users and Groups dialog box.

    4. Select the check box of the users/groups that will trigger the Event and clear the All Users check box if you don't want the Condition to apply to all users.

    5. Click OK to add the Condition to the Event trigger.

  • If Logon Name—the user's username matches/does not match a specific username.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the logon name is/is not one of [specified name(s)].

    3. Click [specified name(s)] to open the Event Target Users and Groups dialog box.

    4. Select the check box of the users/groups that will trigger the Event and clear the All Users check box if you don't want the Condition to apply to all users.

    5. Click OK to add the Condition to the Event trigger.

  • If Logon Password—the user's password matches/does not match a specific string.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the logon password is/is not one of [specified password(s)].

    3. Click [specified password(s)] to open the Choose Passwords dialog box.

    4. Specify a password, and then click Add to move the password to the right text box.

    5. To remove a password, in the right text box, click the password, and then click Remove.

    6. Click OK to add the Condition to the Event trigger.

  • IfAccount Enabled—the user account is enable or not enabled

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the account does/does not equal to Yes/No.

  • If Settings Template—the user belongs/does not belong to a Settings Template.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the Settings Template does/does not equal to [Settings Template].

    3. Click [Settings Template] to open the Select Settings Template dialog box.

    4. Specify a Settings Template, then click OK. (Even if there is only one Settings Template, you still have to click OK in the Select Settings Template dialog box to complete the Condition.)

  • If Full Name—a user's name matches/does not match, contains/equals a specific string.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the user account name does/does notequal to/contain[specific word].

    3. Click [name] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.

  • If Description—the user's description matches/does not match, contains/equals a specific string.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the description does/does notequal to/contain[specific word].

    3. Click [name] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a word, and then click OK.

  • If Comment—the user's comment matches/does not match, contains/equals a specific string.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the comment does/does notequal to/contain[specific word].

    3. Click [name] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.

  • If EMail Address—the user's email address matches/does not match, contains/equals a specific string.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the email address does/does notequal to/contain[specific word].

    3. Click [name] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.

  • If Phone Number—the user's phone number matches/does not match, contains/equals a specific string.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the phone number does/does notequal to/contain[specific word].

    3. Click [name] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.

  • If Pager Number—the user's pager number matches/does not match, contains/equals a specific string.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the pager number does/does notequal to/contain[specific word].

    3. Click [name] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.

  • If Fax Number—the user's fax number matches/does not match, contains/equals a specific string.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the fax number does/does notequal to/contain[specific word].

    3. Click [name] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.

  • If Home Folder—the location of a user's home folder matches/does not match a physical location.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the home folder does/does not match [path].

    3. Click [path] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. Specify a virtual path, and then click OK.

  • If Home Folder is root—the user's home folder is/is not their root directory.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether home folder root does/does not equal to [yes/no].

  • If Quota Max—the user's account has a size limit less than/equal to/not less than/not equal to a size in megabytes.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the maximum quota does/does not equal to [size (MB)].

    3. Click [size (MB)] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. Specify the maximum quota, and then click OK.

  • If Quota Used—the user's filled disk space is/is not less than/equal to/greater than an amount of allowed disk space.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the home folder is/is not equal to, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to [size (MB)].

    3. Click [size (MB)] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a value, and then click OK.

  • If Invalid login attempts—the user's failed login attempts are/are not less than, equal to, greater than a number.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether invalid login attempts is/is not equal to, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to [number].

    3. Click [number] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.

  • If User can change password—the user has/does not have permission to change the login password.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether user can change password does/does not equal to [yes/no].

  • If Home IP—the user's allowed IP address matches/does not match an IP address or set of IP addresses. By default, IP Access-related Event Rules are limited to 1000 rules.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the home IP does/does not match [ip mask].

    3. Click [ip mask] to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.

  • If User can connect using SSL—the user has/does not have SSL enabled.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether user can connect using SSL does/does not equal to [yes/no].

  • If User can connect using FTP—the user has/does not have FTP enabled.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether user can connect using FTP does/does not equal to [yes/no].

  • If User can connect using SFTP—the user has/does not have SFTP enabled.

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether user can connect using SFTP does/does not equal to [yes/no].

  • If Account Locked Out—the user is or is not locked out

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify does/does not equal to [yes/no].

  • If Partner Id - trigger the rule based on the user's Partner ID

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify that the Partner ID does/does not/ is equal to/ less than/ less than or equal to/ greater than/ greater than or equal to[specific word].

  • If Custom Field [1/2/3]—if user account has information in Custom Field 1, 2, or 3

    1. Add the Condition to the Event Rule.

    2. In the Rule Builder, click the linked text to specify whether the Custom Field does/does not equal/contain [string].

    3. Click linked text to open the Edit Value dialog box.

    4. In the Edit Value dialog box, specify a string, and then click OK.