Managing Workspaces in the VFS

The VFS tab has a Workspaces view in which EFT Server- and Site-level administrators can:

  • Delete shared Workspaces

  • Add existing users to existing Workspaces

  • Modify participant permissions of shared Workspaces

When you send a file using the WTC, a "WorkspacesSendMessage" folder is created in the Virtual File System (VFS). The user account that is creating the Workspace must have the appropriate permissions on their home folder to create folders. You might have to refresh the administration interface to see any changes in the VFS tab (such as new Guest users and Workspaces added)

Sharing folders via the VFS tab

  • Workspaces cannot be created via the VFS tab.

  • External users cannot be invited via the VFS tab. External users can only be invited via the WTC.

  • Users joined to Workspaces via the VFS tab, unlike users joined via WTC, are not sent invitation notification emails.

  • Workspaces permissions may be granted via the VFS Workspaces view.

  • The VFS tab will appear to permit all user permissions to be granted to a Workspaces participant. Suppose an EFT user creates a shared folder with only Upload permissions; an EFT administrator may invite participant1 to join the Workspaces folder, granting participant1 full administrative privileges to the folder. However, participant1 will receive an "access denied" response if they attempt to perform any actions within the folder other than upload, because the Workspaces folder respects the Workspaces owner's folder permissions.