
Description: The Select/Case action combination is a very useful alternative to using If. Like any If activity, Select/Case allows decisions to be made during the execution of the task depending on the result of an expression evaluation. The difference is the speed and readability of the resulting task when one of several decisions can be reached. For example, for a simple expression such as 1=1 (true) or 1>2 (false), it would be best to use the If activity. For more complex decisions where there are several possible answers such as favorite color=red, blue, green or yellow, Select/Case would be a better choice. This is because Select/Case presents the task steps in a manner that is more readable, and at runtime, the evaluation of the expression occurs only once rather than needing repeated If activities with individual comparison.

Available Activities

The list of activities for this action are arranged below in alphabetical order. For more information about a specific activity, click the associated link.



Select - Begin case

Executes the steps following this step if the case matches the expression result of an enclosing Begin select step.

Select - Begin select

Executes the block of steps following the Begin case step matching the result of the specified expression.

Select - End case

Ends a block of steps started by a preceding Begin case activity.

Select - End select

Ends a block of steps started by a preceding Begin select activity.