OptionGroup Dialog Item Definition


OptionGroup .Field

OptionButton X, Y, DX, DY, Title$[, .Field]

OptionButton X, Y, DX, DY, Title$[, .Field]


Group: User Dialog

Define a optiongroup and option button items.

Parameter Description

Field The value of the option group is accessed via this field. This first option button is 0, the second is 1, etc.

X This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.

Y This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.

DX This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.

DY This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.

Title$ The value of this string is the title of the option button.

See Also: Begin Dialog, Dim As UserDialog, OptionButton.


Sub Main
  Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
  Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
  OptionGroup .options
  OptionButton 10,30,180,15,"Option &0"
  OptionButton 10,45,180,15,"Option &1"
  OptionButton 10,60,180,15,"Option &2"
  OKButton 80,90,40,20
  End Dialog
  Dim dlg As UserDialog
  dlg.options = 2
  Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
  Debug.Print dlg.options