TextBox Dialog Item Definition


TextBox X, Y, DX, DY, .Field$[, Options]

Group: User Dialog

Define a textbox item.

Parameter Description

X This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.

Y This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.

DX This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.

DY This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.

Field The value of the text box is accessed via this field.

Options This numeric value controls the type of text box. Choose one value from following table. (If this numeric value omitted then zero is used.)




Text box allows a single line of text to be entered.


Text box allows multiple lines of text can be entered.


Text box allows a hidden password can be entered.

See Also: Begin Dialog, Dim As UserDialog.


Sub Main
  Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
  Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
  TextBox 10,25,180,20,.Text$
  OKButton 80,90,40,20
  End Dialog
  Dim dlg As UserDialog
  dlg.Text$ = "none"
  Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
  Debug.Print dlg.Text$