On Error Tab

On every Action, the On Error tab specifies what AWE should do if this step encounters an error as defined in the Error Causes properties. The default behavior is that task execution stops in the immediate step that encounters the error; the On Error properties allow you to designate how AWE should respond upon the occurrence of an error. For example, a step can send an email, execute another task, or log specific text to the Windows Event Log upon error. In addition, a step can be set to continue to the next step in spite of an error.

NOTE: All On Error properties are optional entries.

To send an email on error, the default mail server must be defined in the registry. Refer to Sending E-Mails with Workflows for details.







Retry the step x times




Indicates the amount of times execution of this step should be retried if it encounters an error as defined in the Error Causes properties. This property is disabled by default.

Pausing x milliseconds




Specifies the amount of milliseconds this step should wait between retries as defined in the Retry the step x times parameter. This property is disabled by default.

Execute the following error actions



a) AM_RUNTASK="Task1" (Start Task)

b) AM_SETVAR="Var1;0" (Set Variable)

c) AM_EMAIL="mm@netauto.com;Task2" (Send Email)

d) AM_WRITETOEVENTLOG="0" (Write to Event Log)

e) AM_WRITETOAMLOG="Error Task 2" (Write to Log)

f) AM_PLAYSOUND="c:\temp\error.wav" (Play Sound)

Allows a variety of actions to be executed upon the occurrence of an error. Click Add to add a new error action. This property is disabled by default.

The available options are:

  • Start Task - Starts another task upon error.

  • Set Variable - Sets the value of an existing variable upon error.

  • Send E-mail - Sends an e-mail upon error.

  • Play Sound - Plays the selected sound (.wav) file upon error.

  • Write to Windows Event Log - Writes the specified message to the Widows Event Log upon error.

  • Write to Log - Writes the specified message to the Event Log upon error.

After error event






Include Subfolders




When set to YES, specifies that, if present, subfolders should be searched for files matching the mask specified in the Remote Files parameter. The default value is NO.

Match Case




Indicates whether the properties set within this activity should be case sensitive in relation to the FTP server. The default value is NO.

Exclude Mask




Causes this activity to omit any files matching the mask(s) specified. Filenames or wildcard masks (e.g.,* or ?) may be used.

Regular Expression




Specifies whether the value in the Exclude Mask parameter is a regular expressions. Regular Expression, also referred to as regex or regexp, provide a concise and flexible means for matching strings of text.

If the step errors, carry out the following actions:

If enabled, this allows the task developer to specify that the step should be retried a chosen number of times along with a chosen amount of time to wait between retries, before actually considering it a true step failure, in which case, the remainder of the error actions will be carried out (option disabled by default).

Execute the following error actions

Allows a variety of actions to be executed upon the occurrence of an error. Click Add to open the Error Action dialog box and specify one of the following actions to take when an error occurs:

After Error Event

Specifies what the step should do regarding execution directly after the error event occurs.