Improving CuteFTP Performance When Transferring Large Numbers of Files at Once

A few changes to CuteFTP's default settings can improve CuteFTP performance if you regularly transfer a large number of files at the same time. For example, making a few adjustments to the settings in CuteFTP's Global Options can prevent the initial connection from being used for transfers and/or improve the responsive of CuteFTP.

To improve CuteFTP performance

  1. Open the Global Options dialog box. On the main menu, click Tools > Global Options (or press ALT+F7).

  2. Adjust the following settings as needed:

    • Allow transfers to occur over the existing (browse) session:

    • When you transfer more than the (user-configurable) maximum number of files at the same time, CuteFTP will use the initial connection to the Server for one of the file transfer connections, known as the "browse" session. When this occurs, an hourglass can intermittently appear and CuteFTP becomes unresponsive as the files are transferring and using the connection. Also, scheduled transactions cannot occur if all of the available connections are in use.

      1. Click the Transfer node.

      2. In the General area, clear the Allow transfers to occur over the existing (browse) session check box. The check box is selected by default, because most users want their transfer to occur quickly and are not likely to be browsing while a large number of transfers are in progress.

    • Adjust the allowed number of concurrent transfers:

    • Allowing a very large number of concurrent transfers can cause CuteFTP to monopolize the computer’s CPU. Avoid adjusting these settings, unless you are willing to spend some time optimizing CuteFTP to your particular CPU and network capabilities. For example, on a broadband connection with a 1 Ghz+ CPU, it might be more appropriate to set Global max concurrent transfers to 120 and Per Site concurrent transfers to 40. Keep in mind that if the FTP server does not support the requested number of multiple connections, connection errors will occur when these settings are increased. One of the reasons this setting exists is to prevent CuteFTP from trying to open more connections than the server allows.

      1. Click the Connection node.

      2. Increase the defaults for Global max concurrent transfers (the default is 12) and Per Site max concurrent transfers (the default is 4) to allow CuteFTP to open more transfer connections simultaneously.

      Regardless of these settings, CuteFTP can become unresponsive if you are sending more files than the maximum.

    • Adjust the log storage settings:

    • By default, saved logs are deleted every 3 days. You can delete them more frequently if you transfer large numbers of files frequently. If you want to keep logs indefinitely, be aware that this may adversely affect performance of CuteFTP and/or quickly fill up disk space.

      1. Expand the General node, then click Log Files.

      2. By default, saved logs are deleted every 3 days. In the boxes next to the Delete saved logs every check box, you can set the frequency to between 1 to 1000 minutes, hours, or days. Clear the check box if you do not want to delete the logs automatically, but be sure to delete them manually periodically to avoid filling up the hard drive.

      3. Select the Delete item logs of successful transfers immediately after completion check box. By default, this check box is not selected, but selecting it could improve the performance of CuteFTP when downloading a large number of files.

      Alternatively, you can delete all logs that are not currently associated with an open connection or an item listed in the transfer queue, by clicking Delete all logs. (Be sure to close connections and clear out the queue before you click Delete all logs to ensure that all logs are deleted.)

    • Adjust the Queue cleanup settings:

    • A large number of items in the Queue use up memory and resources that can be freed by simply keeping the Queue clean. Removing completed transfers from the Queue could help improve the performance of CuteFTP when downloading a large number of files.

      1. Expand the Transfer node, then click Events.

      2. By default, the Remove successful transfer items from the queue automatically check box is not selected. Selecting this check box could help improve the performance of CuteFTP when downloading a large number of files, by keeping the Queue clean.

      Alternatively, you can manually empty the queue periodically by clicking Tools > Queue > Remove All or by right-clicking in the queue, then clicking Remove All, but if the browse session is being used for transfers, manually removing items from Queue might prove difficult.

    • If you have a particularly fast (broadband) connection, you can delete the thumbnail cache:

    • Enabling Thumbnail cache expiration ensures that the thumbnail cache will periodically be cleared; however, it also will cause the FTP session to re-download thumbnails, which can take a significant amount of time on a dial-up connection.

      1. Expand the General node, then click Log Files.

      2. In the Thumbnail settings area, set When the transfer engine exits to Delete images older than the value specified.

      3. In Thumbnail cache expiration, set the expiration to an appropriate time. (This setting becomes editable after you set When the transfer engine exits to Delete images older than the value specified.)

      Alternatively, you can click Delete thumbnail cache to delete all thumbnails in the cache except those that are currently displayed in the application. (Turn off thumbnail view or close all connections before clicking Delete thumbnail cache to ensure all thumbnail files are deleted.)

  3. Click OK to close the Global Options and save the changes.