Learning HTML

HTML code uses tags to define how text, pictures, and other objects are to appear in a Web browser, such as Internet Explorer. Numerous websites explain HTML tags and how to use to use them. Like software applications, HTML code comes in versions, some of which are not supported by common browsers. For the most current version of HTML code that is supported by most common browsers, search the Web for free guides and tutorials. The World Wide Web Consortium, a cooperative of Web developers and designers, provides standards for HTML and CSS code, as well as tutorials for beginners and advanced users.

While you search for tutorials about how to code your Web pages, keep in mind that, although most browsers support HTML v4, many Web developers have moved on to XHTML and HTML v5. Also, most websites now use cascading style sheets (CSS) to help maintain a consistent design across all Web pages on the Site, and allow you to update an entire website design simply by changing one file, the style sheet.

Here are a few references to get you started: