Symbolic Links

In CuteFTP's Global Options dialog box, "link" refers to Unix symbol links, not Windows shortcuts. Symbolic links are similar to shortcuts, in that they point to items in other locations on a server. You can determine how CuteFTP handles symbolic links.

To configure the Link options

  1. On the main menu, click Tools > Global Options (or press ALT+F7).

  2. Expand the Navigation node, then click Links. The Links options appear.

  3. Configure options as described below.

    • Select the Attempt link resolution using LIST-L command check box to send the LIST-L command instead of LIST to display folder contents. LIST-L attempts to list the actual file or folder rather than the link that points to the file or folder. Clear this check box to send just the LIST command to display folder contents and leave links in the list.

    • Servers are not always able to resolve links using LIST-L.

    • Select one of the following options:

      • Try to determine the link's target type by its extension - CuteFTP tries to tell if the link points to a file or a folder. CuteFTP treats the link as if it were the item it references.

      • Always assume the link is a file (don't attempt to resolve) - treats symbolic links as files. CuteFTP removes the empty downloaded file from the local folder if the RETR command returns error.

      • This option is useful when you download large directories or folders with many files and subfolders.

      • Always assume the link is a folder (don't attempt to resolve) - treats symbolic links as folders that you can double-click to see folder contents.

      • CuteFTP attempts to show the actual path of a file or folder link in the Remote pane, in the Name column. For example, a link to a file called might display as .3/networks/bbs_info/

  4. Click Apply if you are going to make changes to other pages; click OK to save changes and close the Global Options dialog box.