Navigation Options
To configure the navigation options
On the main menu, click Tools > Global Options (or press ALT+F7).
Expand the Navigation node. The Navigation options appear.
Configure options as described below.
In the When adding items to the queue box, click one of the following actions:
Transfer immediately to start transfer of the queued item as soon as it is dropped in the queue.
Suspend to place the item in the queue, but to hold the transfer.
Schedule to display the scheduling window when an item is placed in the queue.
In the When dragging an item to the local pane box, click one of the following actions:
Transfer to current folder to send the dragged item to the folder currently listed in the Local Drives pane
Transfer to default folder to send the dragged item to the default transfer folder listed in General Settings
Add to queue & suspend to place the dragged item in the queue, but hold the transfer.
In the When double-clicking an item box, click one of the following actions:
Transfer immediately to send the item to the displayed remote Site or the default download folder
Add to queue & suspend to place the double-clicked item in the queue, but hold the transfer
Launch in viewer to open the item in the File Viewer program chosen in Helper Applications
Execute Open to run the item if it is a program
Edit to open the item in the File Editor program chosen in Helper Applications
Select the Auto-refresh the remote pane after an upload check box to update the remote folder's listing after every upload to that folder. Clear this check box to stop sending LIST requests to a remote Site after every upload.
Select the Use the logical parent (not physical parent) on CDUP command check box to return to the folder you just linked from when clicking the Move up directory icon
. Clear this check box to change to the actual folder the item resides in, and not a folder with a link to the item, when clicking the Move up directory icon.
Select the Link the remote and its associated local pane when working with multiple Sites to ties the local and remote panes to each other. If you have more than one remote pane open and you switch between the remote panes, the last path in the local pane used for that remote pane is recalled. Clear this check box to retain the same path in the local pane regardless of the remote pane selected.
Select the Switch from the Site Manager to the Local Drives Pane upon connection check box to display the Local Drives pane automatically when a connection is made. Clear this check box to leave the Site Manager displayed when a connection is made.
Select the Switch from the Local Pane to the Site Manager upon closing all connections check box to display the Site Manager automatically when all connections are closed. Clear this check box to leave the Site Manager hidden when all connections are closed.
Click Apply if you are going to make changes to other pages; click OK to save changes and close the Global Options dialog box.