Saving and Reusing a List of Transfer Tasks

When you create a Folder Monitor task, the task is saved in the Queue Window.

CAUTION: If you use Remove All to remove everything from the Queue Window, you will also remove your Folder Monitor rules!!

Unfortunately, it is not possible to retrieve any tasks that were deleted. However, you can backup (export) all tasks and reload (import) them.

To save a list of transfer task/Folder Monitor Rules

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the main menu, click Tools > Queue > Load & Save Queue > Save Queue.

    • Right-click in the Queue Window, then click Load & Save Queue > Save Queue.

  2. In the Save As dialog box, specify a name and location, then click Save. The file is saved as quesave.cpx by default.

To reuse a list of tasks (load a previously saved queue)

  1. Do one of the following:

    • On the main menu, click Tools > Queue > Load & Save Queue > Load Queue.

    • Right-click in the Queue Window, then click Load & Save Queue > Load Queue.

  2. In the Open dialog box, click a saved Queue file (Queue files are saved with a .cpx extension), then click Open. The saved tasks appear in the Queue. (NOTE: If a task in the .cpx file is already in the Queue, it is not overwritten; instead, you will have duplicate tasks in the Queue. Sort the Queue by the Local or Remote column to find the duplicates.)