Uninstalling DMZ Gateway

Use the applicable procedure below to uninstall DMZ Gateway.

Uninstalling DMZ Gateway on a Windows System

Uninstall DMZ Gateway using Windows' Add/Remove Programs tool or via the shortcut on the Start menu.

Uninstalling DMZ Gateway on a non-Windows System

The installation process on each non-Windows operating system is the same with a few minor differences. The basic process of installation can be described as follows:

  • Run the uninstallation script as root and follow the prompts. (The script is created during installation and is <InstallDir>/bin/Uninstall.sh)

RedHat Enterprise Linux, SuSE Linux, or Solaris x86 32-Bit or 64-Bit

You can uninstall DMZ Gateway using the Uninstall.sh script located in the <InstallDir>/bin directory.

To uninstall DMZ Gateway

  1. On the target machine, open a terminal window. The uninstall script must be run with root privileges. If not already logged on as the root user, change to root using the su command in the terminal window:


  2. Run the Uninstall.sh script:


    For example:


  3. Follow the prompts to complete uninstalling.

Ubuntu Linux 32-Bit or 64-Bit

You can uninstall DMZ Gateway using the Uninstall.sh script located in the <InstallDir>/bin directory.

To uninstall DMZ Gateway on Ubuntu Linux

  1. On the target machine, open a terminal window.

  2. Run the Uninstall.sh script:

    sudo /<InstallDir>/bin/Uninstall.sh

    For example:

    sudo /opt/dmzgateway/bin/Uninstall.sh

  3. Follow the prompts to complete uninstalling.

Example of Uninstallation Process on Solaris

The following printout is a sample execution of the Uninstall.sh installation script run on Solaris x86 32-bit.


== Confirm Uninstallation == The uninstallation script will now uninstall the DMZ Gateway from the following installation directory:




Proceed with uninstallation? [yes or no]: yes [ENTER]


== Stop Service == The installation script has detected that the DMZ Gateway Server daemon service (dmzgatewayd) is currently running. The service must be stopped before proceeding. The script can now attempt to stop the service.


Stop the DMZ Gateway Server daemon service? [yes or no]: yes [ENTER]


Executing: /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd stop Stopping DMZ Gateway Server... Stopped DMZ Gateway Server.


== Deregister Service == The installation script can attempt to deregister the DMZ Gateway Server daemon service (dmzgatewayd) from automatic startup and shutdown.


Deregister the DMZ Gateway Server daemon service? [yes or no]: yes [ENTER]


Removing /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd symbolic link...


Deregistering system daemon:

rm /etc/rc0.d/K99dmzgatewayd rm /etc/rc1.d/K99dmzgatewayd rm /etc/rc2.d/S99dmzgatewayd rm /etc/rc3.d/S99dmzgatewayd

Removing installation files...


== Uninstallation Complete ==