What's New in DMZ Gateway®?

Changes in version 3.5:

Changes in version 3.4:

  • Released April 25, 2016

  • EFT version 7.3.0 and later (Windows OS only)

  • Support for EFT with the Accelerate module

  • The Accelerate module/FAST protocol is not supported on Linux versions of DMZ Gateway.

Changes in version 3.3.1:

  • Released December 8, 2014

  • EFT v6.5 and later

  • Removed support for Windows Server 2003

  • Added Business Activity Monitor (BAM) as a recognized server type

  • Upgraded the Java Service Wrapper to Version 3.5.19. This version includes an automatic deadlock detection/restart feature.

Changes in version 3.3.0:

  • Released February 15, 2013

  • EFT v6.5 and later

  • Support for IPv6 addressing when operating with Mail Express version 3.3 and later

  • Added support for Unicode strings in the log files and XML-based configuration files

  • Added support for Unicode strings in communications with the EFT platform v6.5 and later

  • Changed installer so that it now ensures the DMZ Gateway administration interface is not running prior to making modifications

  • Fixed an issue that prevented binding to interfaces if IPv4 or IPv6 support was disabled in the operating system

  • Fixed minor user interface issues in the DMZ Gateway administration interface

  • Upgraded the embedded Java Runtime Environment to version 1.7.0_09.

Changes in version 3.2:

  • Released December 7, 2011

  • EFT v6.4 and later

  • Support for IPv6

  • Added minor usability features in the administration interface

  • Added minor usability features in the Windows installers

  • Upgraded various third-party libraries to most recent versions

  • Upgraded the embedded Java Runtime Environment to version 1.7.0.

Changes in version 3.1:

  • Released March 22, 2011

  • EFT v6.3

  • Support IP Access Rule functionality

  • Can connect to Mail Express v3.1 and later

  • Works with v6.4 if you are not using IPv6

Changes in version 3:

  • Released March 1, 2010

  • EFT v6.2.x

  • DMZ Gateway's interface was completely redesigned (from v2.x line) to accommodate multiple profiles and extended communication information

  • Can be installed not only on Windows, but also on RedHat, SuSE Linux, and Solaris, on 32-Bit or 64-Bit operating systems (For a list of supported operating systems, refer to System Requirements for DMZ Gateway.)

  • Can connect to up to 15 EFT Sites simultaneously

  • IP address access policy changes are now automatically propagated to DMZ Gateway when the policy is modified in EFT whether in the EFT interface or by the auto-ban logic

  • Moved DMZ Gateway licensing to the server to simplify DMZ Gateway installation and activation

  • Logging was improved and expanded

  • Hardened to better withstand attacks from several Denial of Service (DoS) attack tools