Backing Up AWE Workflows

(The Advanced Workflow Engine is available as a module in EFT Enterprise) If you plan to edit the sample Workflows and/or create custom Workflows, you should create an Event Rule to periodically back up (save a copy of) the Workflows.

To backup the Workflows

  1. Define a Timer Rule. Specify the frequency depending on how often you create new Workflows.

  2. Add the Copy/Move (push) file to host Action to the Rule.

  3. In the Source path box, specify the location of the Workflow (.aml) files. For example, to copy all of the Workflows for the Site named "MyGSSite," in the Source box type C:\ProgramData\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise\AWE\MyGSSite_?.*. If you use *, you will backup everything in that folder. (Do NOT select the Delete source file check box!)

  4. In the Destination path box, specify a location on a remote drive (in case the local drive fails).

  5. Click Apply.