Operating System Events

The operating system events below are available in EFT Enterprise:

  • Scheduler (Timer)—Execute a specified Action one time or repeat at a specified interval.

  • Folder Monitor—Monitor a specified folder, then execute an Action whenever a change is detected.

  • Folder Monitor Failed—Monitor a specified folder, then execute a specified Action whenever a failure is detected.

Use the File Uploaded file system Event to notify you when a file is uploaded to the Site.

Available Variables

Scheduler (Timer)

Execute a specified Action one time or repeat at a specified interval. (Available in Enterprise and as a module in Express)

The Scheduler (Timer) Action can take these Variables :


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Rule Name


Event Transaction ID


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Compressed File Physical Path


Compressed File Name


Compressed File Base Name


Site Properties

Site name


Account Management URL


Site Running


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension



Folder Monitor

Monitor a specified folder, then execute an Action whenever a change is detected. (Available in Enterprise and as a module in SMB.) Use the File Uploaded file system Event to notify you when a file is uploaded to the Site.

The Folder Monitor Action can take these variables:


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Rule Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


File Change


Physical Path


Physical Folder Name


Base File Name


File Name


Physical Destination Path


Physical Destination Folder Name


Destination File Name


Virtual Path


Virtual Folder Name


Virtual Destination Path


Compressed File Physical Path


Compressed File Name


Compressed File Base Name


Workspaces Properties

Workspace Physical Path


Workspace Virtual Path


Workspace Name


Workspace Participant List


Workspace Owner


Workspace Owner Email Address


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension


Folder Monitor Failed- Monitor a specified folder, then execute a specified Action whenever a failure is detected. (Available in Enterprise and as a module in Express)

The Folder Monitor Failed Action can take these variables:


Label (can appear in e-mail notification)


Event Properties

Event Time


Event Time Stamp


Event Date Stamp


Event Name


Event Rule Name


Event Time Stamp (including milliseconds)


Folder Monitor Health


Folder Monitor Failure Reason


File System Properties

Report File


Report Content


Report File Name


Physical Path


Physical Folder Name


File Name


Server Properties

Server Running


Log Type


Log Location


Node Name


Install Directory


Workspaces Properties

Workspace Physical Path


Workspace Virtual Path


Workspace Name


Workspace Participant List


Workspace Owner


Workspace Owner Email Address


Source Properties
(used in Copy/Move and Download Action)

Source file name without extension


Source file name with extension