Running EFT and Microsoft IIS on the Same Computer

By default, the FTP server in Microsoft IIS binds to port 21 on all IP addresses. If you are running IIS FTP server and EFT on the same computer, you must disable socket pooling for the IIS FTP server.

To disable socket pooling in IIS FTP server

In Microsoft IIS, stop the FTP site as described below:

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Change directory to C:\InetPub\Adminscripts:

    cd C:\InetPub\Adminscripts

  3. Type:


  4. Then press ENTER. You should get the following response:

    disablesocketpooling : (BOOLEAN) True

  5. Exit the command prompt and restart the FTP site. This should prevent IIS from binding to all IP addresses on port 21, freeing up an IP address on port 21 (the default FTP port).  

For more information on Microsoft IIS socket pooling, refer to the following articles:;en-us;259349;EN-US;238131

The articles linked above discuss the IIS Web server, but the same information applies to the IIS FTP server.

"Unexpected Error 0x8ffe2740 Occurred" Message When You Try to Start EFT

Microsoft IIS uses port 80 for HTTP communication. If you are running the IIS FTP server and EFT on the same computer, you can do either of the following:

  • In IIS Manager, change the port bindings for the website to a port other than port 80.

  • Stop the application that is using port 80, and then start the website from IIS Manager.

For more information, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article #816944: