Uploading Files and Folders

You can upload files and folders from your local computer to a remote server on which you have upload permission.

To upload files between your local system and the server

  • Do one of the following:

    • To transfer files to the server, click File > File Upload.

    • To transfer folders to the server, click File > Folder Upload.

      • Folder uploads are available in Chrome, Firefox, or Opera browsers only. If you want to upload folders in other browsers, you must compress them (make a ZIP file) and upload the ZIP file.

    • Click and drag one or more files or folders from your local file system to the file list. (Empty folders will be ignored and not transferred.)

    • In the Upload Manager, click the UPLOAD icon, then select the files and folders that you want to upload.

    The File Name pane will refresh automatically after the upload is complete.

    The Upload Manager displays the completed transfers, in-progress transfers (up to 5 at once), and pending transfers. The Upload Manager is cleared when the session ends or you log out.

  • The PAUSE icon allows you to pause an in-progress transfer. If you want to clear the Transfer queue, you can click the CANCEL icon for each transfer or click the CANCEL icon at the top to clear all of the transfers.


  • When the file is transferred, if there is a file with a duplicate name already in your folder on the server, the file is not uploaded.

  • You can upload multiple selected files at once by dragging and dropping from your local system to the WTC Upload Manager, or by clicking File > Upload and then selecting multiple files.

  • If you have exceeded your allowed disk quota on the server, a message appears when you attempt to upload more files. To continue to upload files, you must delete some of your old files from the server or ask your administrator to increase your allowed disk quota.

  • Before you can access the server using the WTC, the administrator must configure the server to allow WTC connections with your account.

  • If network connectivity is lost while the WTC is transferring files, you can retry transfers that previously failed or were incomplete. If a file partially transferred before the connection went down, the transfer will be resumed from the point that it left off.