Manually Registering and Deregistering the DMZ Gateway Daemon (non-Windows Systems)

During the installation process, you are prompted to register the DMZ Gateway server daemon (configuring it to auto-start on system start and auto-stop on system stop). If you choose not to register the daemon during the installation process, use the procedure below to add or remove the DMZ Gateway daemon script, dmzgatewayd, from automatic system startup and shutdown.

There are multiple methods of configuring a daemon script for automatic startup/shutdown on Linux/Solaris. Ultimately, whatever method is used typically results in the creation of symbolic links in the /etc/rc* directories. These scripts are called at different startup and shutdown run levels of the operating system to start and stop the daemon.

RedHat Enterprise Linux

After creation of the /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd symbolic link, the chkconfig command can be used to register and deregister the script for system startup/shutdown.

To register the script

  • The following command may be used as root:

  • chkconfig --add dmzgatewayd

    (there are two dashes before add)

To deregister the script

  • The following command may be used as root:

  • chkconfig --del dmzgatewayd

    (there are two dashes before del)

SuSE Linux

After creation of the /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd symbolic link, the insserv command can be used to register and deregister the script for system startup/shutdown.

To register the script

  • The following command may be used as root:

  • insserv dmzgatewayd

To deregister the script

  • The following command may be used as root:

  • insserv -r dmzgatewayd

Ubuntu Linux

After creation of the /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd symbolic link, the update-rc.d command can be used to register and deregister the script for system startup/shutdown.

To register the script

  • The following command may be used as root:

  • update-rc.d dmzgatewayd defaults

To deregister the script

  • The /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd symbol link must first be removed using the following command as root:

  • rm /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd

To deregister the daemon

  • The following command may be used as root:

  • update-rc.d dmzgatewayd remove


On Solaris, after creation of the /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd symbolic link you typically manually create the appropriate symbolic links in the /etc/rc* directories.

To register the script

  • The following commands may be used as root:

  • ln -sf /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd /etc/rc0.d/K99dmzgatewayd

    ln -sf /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd /etc/rc1.d/K99dmzgatewayd

    ln -sf /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd /etc/rc2.d/S99dmzgatewayd

    ln -sf /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd /etc/rc3.d/S99dmzgatewayd

To deregister the script

  • Remove the symbolic links as root:

  • rm /etc/rc0.d/K99dmzgatewayd

    rm /etc/rc1.d/K99dmzgatewayd

    rm /etc/rc2.d/S99dmzgatewayd

    rm /etc/rc3.d/S99dmzgatewayd