Overview of the Web Transfer Client
The Web Transfer Client (WTC) is a browser-based file transfer client that allows you to transfer files over HTTPS to and from a server. Using the WTC, you can upload and download files to the server, pause and resume a transfer, cancel a transfer, move files between folders, create, rename, and delete folders and files, and share folders with other users. The WTC is also used as the interface for Workspaces.
Under My Files, you will see a count of the number of files and folders displayed. If you select one or more files and/or folders, it will display the number of items selected.
The toolbar icons that appear depend on what you have selected: New Folder, Upload, Upload Folder, Send Files, and Request Files appear when no files are selected. Share, Download, Rename, Move, and Delete appear when a file or folder is selected.
Click the In-Progress icon
to see files that are uploading or the History
to view activities that occurred in
the current session.
Many of the pop-up dialog boxes or messages in the WTC do not have a Cancel button or an X in the corner. To close those dialog boxes, click anywhere outside of that window and it will close.
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