DMZ Gateway Server Unix/Solaris Daemon
On Solaris and Linux-based system, the DMZ Gateway Server is started and controlled using the system daemon script <Installation Directory>/bin/dmzgatewayd. When necessary, this script will call the Java Service Wrapper utility <Installation Directory>/bin/DMZGatewayServerService to start and stop the DMZGatewayServer Java executable.
Per convention, if the user opted to register the service with the operating system during installation, a symbolic link /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd will have been created. This symbolic link points to the <Installation Directory>/bin/dmzgatewayd script. Additionally, the appropriate symbolic links will have been created in the /etc/rc.d directories so that the DMZ Gateway Server will be started and stopped appropriately during system startup and shutdown.
You can control the system daemon by executing either /etc/init.d/dmzgatewayd or <Installation Directory>/bin/dmzgatewayd. The script accepts a set of command line options. Running the script without any command line options will display the set of available options, which are itemized below:
console – Runs the DMZ Gateway Server as a console program as opposed to a system daemon.
start – Starts the DMZ Gateway Server as a daemon process
stop – Stops the DMZ Gateway Server daemon process, if running.
restart – Stops the DMZ Gateway Server daemon process, if running, and then starts it.
condrestart – Restarts the DMZ Gateway Server daemon process if it is currently running.
status – Indicates if the DMZ Gateway Server daemon process is currently running or not.
dump – Instructs the Java Virtual Machine to log the state of all active threads to the log.