Editing Task Steps
Along with the ability to edit the Properties of individual task steps, many adjustments can be performed on any step once they are added to the Task Builder's Steps panel. You can move, indent, disable or delete one or more existing steps. You can perform cut, copy, and paste commands as well.
Commands are conveniently located on the Ribbon or by way of a context menu that appears when right-clicking a specific element. Certain ribbon commands become active only when items they apply to are selected, making it easier for you to distinguish relevant commands and avoid selection of unrelated ones.
The Quick Access Toolbar contains Undo and Redo commands that apply to all edit operations allowing you to undo one or more incremental sequence of changes in case you make a mistake or redo them in case you change your mind.
Editing Step Properties
The properties of any task step can be easily viewed or modified once it is added to Task Builder's Steps panel. For convenience, step properties can be accessed in various ways.
To view or modify the properties of a step
- In the Steps panel of Task Builder, select the step that contains the properties you wish to modify and double-click on the step.
Perform the desired changes in the properties dialog that appears, and then click OK to save changes.
Moving Steps
Steps can be moved freely within the Steps panel. You can modify the sequence at which steps execute by moving them above or below other steps. Task Builder supports movement of multiple sequenced steps (for example, steps 3, 4, and 5) as well as multiple non-sequenced steps (for example, steps 3, 6 and 8). For convenience, such operations can be performed in various ways.
To move steps using the Move Up or Move Down commands
- In the Steps panel of the Task Builder, select the steps you want to move up or down the step sequence. To select more than one step, hold down CTRL during selection.
From the ribbon, click the Move Up or Move Down arrow. Each click is equivalent to a single line of movement.
To move steps using Cut and Paste commands
- In the Steps panel of Task Builder, select the steps you want to move up or down the step sequence. To select more than one step, hold down CTRL during selection.
- From the ribbon, click Cut (you can also use CTRL+X) .
- Select a desired location in the Steps panel and click Paste from the ribbon (you can also use CTRL+V).
To move steps using Drag & Drop actions
- In the Steps panel of Task Builder, select the steps you want to move up or down the step sequence. To select specific steps or a block of steps, hold down CTRL during selection.
- Hold down the left mouse button while dragging the highlighted steps to the desired location, then release the mouse button to complete the operation.
Indenting Steps
You can increase or decrease indentation of one or more steps as a way to organize your steps. Task Builder supports indentation of multiple sequenced steps (for example, steps 3, 4 and 5) as well as multiple non-sequenced steps (for example, steps 3, 6 and 8).
To increase or decrease indentation
- In the Steps panel of Task Builder, select the steps to increase or decrease their current indentation. To select a block of sequenced steps or specific non-sequenced steps, hold down CTRL during selection.
To increase indentation, click the arrow pointing right in the ribbon's Step command group (you can also use CTRL+ right arrow key). To decrease indentation on an indented step, click the arrow pointing left (you can also use CTRL + left arrow key).
To reset indentation
- In the Steps panel of the Task Builder, select the steps that should be reverted back to their original indentation level. To select a block of sequenced steps or specific non-sequenced steps, hold down CTRL during selection.
From the ribbon, click the Reset Indent. Hold down the left mouse button while dragging the highlighted steps to the desired location, then release the mouse button to complete the operation.
You can reset one or more steps to their default indentation level. From the ribbon's Step command group, click the Format Steps command. This enables or disables auto-formatting of steps. When enabled, blocks of steps contained within a conditional (If) statement or Loop process are formatted (indented) to improve distinction (this command is enabled by default).
Disabling, Enabling, or Deleting Task Steps
Steps of a task can be disabled or re-enabled to use or test different versions of the same task. The Disable button on the ribbon or context menu acts as a toggle to disable an enabled step or re-enable a disabled step. When a step is disabled, it is grayed out by default in the Steps panel and it is treated as a comment and ignored when the task runs.
To disable or enable a task step
- In the Steps panel of the Task Builder, select the steps you want to disable. To select more than one step, hold down CTRL during selection.
Click the Disable button on the ribbon under the Home tab (you can also right-click on the steps, and then click Disable).
To delete a task step
- In the Steps panel, select the step or steps you wish to delete. To select more than one step, hold down CTRL during selection.
- Right-click on your selection, and then click Delete (you can also use the Delete key).
Step Numbers & Word Wrap
By default, the Steps panel displays numbers to represent each step in the task are displayed for each step in the Task Builder's Steps panel along with an icon designating the type of action used. Also the text (or AML code) that appears in this panel is word wrapped by default allowing all text to be visible in the window regardless of its size. Nonetheless, these options can be customized according to each user's preference.
- From the Ribbon, click Home.
- From the Layout command group, click the Word Wrap button to toggle Word Wrap on/off.
To disable or enable step numbers
- From the Ribbon, click Home.
- From the Layout command group, click Step numbers to toggle step numbers on/off (also shown below).
Switching from Visual to the AML View
The Task Builder offers two ways in which to view the steps of a task. The default appearance displays a plain-English, easy to comprehend text description of each step. They can also be displayed in AML (Automate Desktop Markup Language) format, which is the internal program language encompassed in Automate Desktop. When set to this view, those who understand AML can edit their code directly from the Task Builder's Steps panel or copy the code onto an external text editor such as Notepad.
To switch from Plain Text to AML or AML to Plain Text
- From the Ribbon, click Home.
- In the View command group, select AML to switch to AML code view or Visual to switch to plain text view.
To edit code in the AML view
- In the Steps panel, select the step to edit.
- Click the step again to make the code editable.
- Make the desired changes.
Undoing and Redoing Changes
To enable task development to be as simple and painless as possible, an Undo and Redo command is included on the Quick Access Toolbar. Undo reverses the last action you performed, and Redo undoes the last Undo action, in case you change your mind. Task Builder keeps track of all previously performed actions, therefore, you can reverse the actions you performed one action at a time, in reverse consecutive order, up to and including the first action.
To undo changes
Click the Undo command on the Quick Access Toolbar or press CTRL + Z. Undo reverses the last editing action. If you delete one or more steps, you can use Undo to restore them and all their properties. You can perform as many Undo actions as you like.
To redo a change after an undo
Click the Redo command on the Quick Access Toolbar or press CTRL + Y. This restores the last action you performed if no other actions have occurred since the last Undo. The Redo button is normally inactive and becomes active only if an Undo is performed.