Task Builder Toolbar Options

The Debug toolbar (illustrated below) is a small floating window that appears when a task is run from the Task Builder. It contains buttons to stop, pause, re-run and step through an active task to further aid you during the development stage. The Debug toolbar automatically closes upon completion of a running task or you can close it at any time by clicking "x".

The Debug toolbar supports hot-keys (also known as shortcut keys) that can be used as an alternate control mechanism. You can change the default toolbar shortcut keys to any desired key combinations not already in use, and you can change the position of the Debug toolbar on the screen. In addition, you can choose to show or hide the Debug toolbar or have it always appear in the foreground or background.

To access the Toolbar Options page in the Task Builder, select FileOptions > Debugger > Toolbar. Toolbar options is a subset of Task Builder Options.


The following table describes available Toolbar options:

Property Default Description
Screen Location Bottom Right Specifies the area on the screen that the debug toolbar should be displayed. The available options are:
  • Do not show -The debug toolbar will not appear during task execution.
  • Top Left - The debug toolbar will be displayed on the upper left corner of the screen.
  • Top Right - The debug toolbar will be displayed on the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Bottom Left: - The debug toolbar will be displayed on the lower left corner of screen.
  • Bottom Right - The debug toolbar will be displayed on the lower right corner of screen.
Always on Top Enabled If enabled, the toolbar will always be in the foreground, in front of other windows. If disabled, the toolbar will appear in the background. This parameter is enabled by default.
Toolbar Hot-keys
  • Run: CTRL+ALT+F5
  • Stop: CTRL+ALT+F2
  • Pause: CTRL+ALT+F9
  • Step: CTRL+ALT+F6
Allows entry of specific shortcut keys (also known as hot-keys) used to run, stop, pause or step through a task. The available options along with their default hot-key parameters are as follows:
  • Run - Runs the entire task, from beginning to end, or until an error is encountered.
  • Stop - CTRL + ALT + F2
  • Pause - CTRL + ALT + F9
  • Step - Runs the task step by step, pausing on each step.
NOTE: For more details about using the various run options in Task Builder as a debug tool, see Run Options.