Web Transfer Client Pagination

The Web Transfer Client (WTC) directory listings can appear on multiple pages. The WTC will pull 500 records (folders/files) on initial load by default. WTC file listings have buttons for next page, previous page, and so on.

These pagination controls are only displayed when there is enough data to be paginated. If the page size is 500 and there are 1000 records, the controls will be displayed. However, if the page size is 500 and there are only 200 records, the controls will not be shown.

  • When clicking "select all" in the table, the WTC will only select items that have been loaded. Changing pages will clear your selection.
  • Filtering will only affect the items that are on the currently loaded page. This means that, if you have 500 items loaded out of 5,000 total, the filter operation will only be looking at the 500 items that are loaded at any given time.

The fileListingDisplayLimit advanced property in the admin-configuration.json file can be used to change the page display limit. If administrators want to turn off this functionality (that is, never use pagination for file listings), they should set this value to 0, which means there is no limit.

When retrieving listings from EFT, folders and workspaces are always given higher priority than files.