Technical Reference

This section provides help for the following features:

The Technical Reference in the Task Builder provide a reference for the following components:

  • AML (Automate Markup Language) - similar to XML, AML is the primary internal language used by Automate to define and execute tasks. When you create a task using the Task Builder, you are creating a block of AML.

  • AMError - When a task generates an error, it automatically creates a dataset called AMError, which contains details about the error.

  • AMTask - When a task object executes within a workflow, an Automate dataset uniquely named AMTask is automatically created. This dataset contains a collection of task-related data.

  • AMTrigger - When a task is triggered, it automatically creates a dataset called AMTrigger. This dataset contains global information about the trigger (task name, trigger date and time, computer, etc.) as well as trigger-specific datasets containing detailed information about that status that caused the trigger.

  • Basic Scripting - Based on Visual Basic, the Basic Scripting engine extends the functionality provided by AML, giving you access to the Windows API, COM, OLE, and ActiveX objects, and a large number of functions.