DMZ Gateway Status

The top pane of the DMZ Gateway interface displays the DMZ Gateway service status and the selected profile's status. The pane displays:

  • When DMZ Gateway service is stopped.

  • When DMZ Gateway service is running but no Site is connected to the selected profile.

  • When DMZ Gateway service is running and there is a Site connected to the profile and a port is assigned.

  • When DMZ Gateway service is running and there is a Site connected to the profile, but no port is assigned.

When the All Profiles node is selected, as shown below, the Server Status area displays the size of items transferring through DMZ Gateway. (Because All Profiles is selected, no status appears in the Selected profile status area.)

Server statistics include:

  • Accepted Client Connections - Count of client connections accepted through the DMZ Gateway during the current run of the DMZ Gateway

  • Rejected Client Connections - Count of client connections rejected through the DMZ Gateway during the current run of the DMZ Gateway

  • Connections Closed - Count of connections closed during the current run of the DMZ Gateway

  • Active Client Connections - Count of the currently active client connections

  • Client Bytes Read - Number of bytes received from Clients

  • Client Bytes Written - Number of bytes sent to Clients

  • EFT Server Bytes Read - Number of bytes received from Servers

  • EFT Server Bytes Written - Number of bytes sent to Servers

  • Client Bytes Read/s - Transmission speed when receiving from Clients in bytes per second (B/s)

  • Client Bytes Written/s - Transmission speed when sending to Clients in bytes per second (B/s)

  • EFT Server Bytes Read/s - Transmission speed when receiving from Servers in bytes per second (B/s)

  • EFT Server Bytes Written/s - Transmission speed when sending to Servers in bytes per second (B/s)

When the All Profiles node is selected, a check box appears at the bottom of the right pane that allow you to enable or disable debug logging.