Upgrading or Repairing DMZ Gateway

You must upgrade DMZ Gateway before upgrading EFT.

To upgrade on Windows systems

  1. Close the administration interface.

  2. As a precaution, back up the existing installation directories and any other files you may have installed elsewhere.

  3. Launch the installer and then click Next. The License Agreement appears.

  4. Click I Agree. The installer will detect an existing installation.

  5. The older version must be uninstalled. You can keep the existing configuration or use the (new) default configuration. Click one of the following, then click Next:

    • Keep existing configuration and uninstall the older version

    • Use a default configuration and uninstall the older version

  6. Follow the prompts to finish the upgrade. Refer to Installing DMZ Gateway, if necessary.

    During the upgrade process, the DMZ Gateway service Log On As account is set to use the Local System account.

To upgrade from DMZ Gateway 3.x on Windows systems

  1. Close the administration interface.

  2. Launch the installer. The installer will detect an existing installation.

  3. After accepting the End-User License Agreement, click Upgrade DMZ Gateway, then click Upgrade.

  1. Follow the prompts to finish the upgrade. Refer to Installing DMZ Gateway, if necessary.

To reinstall DMZ Gateway 3.x on Windows systems

Reinstallation can be used to fix installations in situations where program files have been corrupted or accidentally deleted. During reinstallation, the installer will reinstall the original copies of corrupted or missing program files.

  1. Close the administration interface.

  2. Launch the installer. The installer will detect an existing installation.

  1. After accepting the End-User License Agreement, click Reinstall DMZ Gateway, then click Reinstall.

  2. Follow the prompts to finish the reinstall. Refer to Installing DMZ Gateway, if necessary.