Event Rules Modules

Certain Event Rules functions are available in the "core" EFT, while the rest require a licensed module. The Event Rule Change Log, Event Rule Folders, Event Rule import/export, and Event Rules Permissions are part of "core" EFT.

The following Event Rule features are available without a module:

  • Connection Events (all)

  • File Server Events (all)

  • Server Events (all)

  • Site Events (all)

  • "IF" and "Else" Conditions

  • Backup and Cleanup Actions

  • Flow: Stop Processing Action

  • Flow: Variable Action

  • Protocol: Email Action

  • System: Backup Action

  • System: Cleanup Action

The following features require a module to be licensed and registered:

Enterprise Actions Module (EAM)

  • Compression Action

  • CSV: Export to Dataset Action

  • CSV: Import from Dataset Action

  • File: Operation Action

  • Flow: Subroutine Action

  • Folder: Operation Action

  • Loop: Break Action

  • Loop: Dataset Action

  • Protocol: Listing to Dataset Action

  • Script: Custom Command Action

  • Script: PowerShell Action

  • Event Rule Subroutine Event

  • REST Invocation Event

File Transfer Client Module (FTC)

  • Protocol: Download Action

  • Protocol: Synchronize Action

  • Protocol: Upload Action

Folder Monitor Module (FMM)

  • Folder Monitor Event

Timer Event Module (TEM)

  • Scheduler Timer Event

OpenPGP Module (PGP)

  • OpenPGP Actions (Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign, Verify, SDA)

  • OpenSSL Actions (Sign, Verify Signature)

Cloud Object Monitor (CMM)

  • Cloud Object Monitor Event

  • Cloud: Download Action

  • Cloud: REST/Web Services Action

  • Cloud: Upload Action

  • Offload Secrets to cloud

AS2 Module (AS2)

  • AS2 Events

Workspaces Module (WSM)

  • Workspaces Events