Workspaces-Related Variables

The variables below are for use in Event Rules for virtual/physical path, owner, and so on. The Workspaces notifications use different variables than these, as shown below.

Text Displayed Variable Value Contained in Variable
Workspace Virtual Path


Virtual path of the Workspace

Workspace Physical Path


Physical path of the Workspace

Workspace Name


Name of the Workspace Folder

Workspace Participants List


Participants sharing the Workspace

Workspace Subject


Subject line of the email sent via Workspaces

Workspace Message


Message sent via Workspaces

Workspace Owner


Owner of the Workspace

Workspace Owner Email Address


Email address of the owner of the Workspace; the variable is case sensitive when used in the To, Cc, or Bcc fields of email notifications.

Workspace User


Username of the Workspace participant

Workspace User Permissions


User permissions of the Workspace

Workspace User Email Address


User email of the participant

Workspace User Account Exists


Identifies whether the user account exists (or needs to be created)