Mobile Transfer Client Introduction

The Globalscape MTC v1 is designed to work exclusively with Globalscape's managed file transfer solution known as EFT. With the Globalscape MTC, organizations can provide employees, partners, and customers with access to corporate data from their mobile devices, while keeping the data safe and secure within the organizational boundaries.

Download the Globalscape MTC application from

The Mobile Transfer Client (MTC) supports the following features:


  • Secure communications and transport over HTTPS

  • SSL certificate management (accept CA-signed certificates, otherwise prompt)

  • Secure data storage

  • Central policy management that controls:

    • Profile password storage

    • Data caching

    • Storing data in an offline repository (vault)

    • Sharing files via email

    • Opening files in external (third-party) apps

Profile Management

  • Multiple profile support

  • Single "tap-on" link for automatic profile provisioning

  • Dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) support

  • International Domain Name (IDN) and Punycode support

  • Support for non-default ports

  • Auto-login to last connected profile on app launch

  • Password reset and recover lost username support
    • Password reset must be done in the WTC. If "Force users to change their password immediately upon next use" is selected on the Security tab, be sure to inform MTC users to log in to the WTC before using the MTC.
  • Full support for Unicode characters

  • Support for 64-bit devices

Files Listings and Transfers

  • View up to 10,000 files in a directory listing

  • Transfer files up to 3GB in size

  • Transfer multiple files concurrently

  • Pause and resume transfers

  • Automatic resume of system paused transfers

  • Resume partial transfers from point of failure

  • Download files to a separate secure repository for offline access

  • Download files and open them using the built-in file viewer (Only certain file types are supported.)

  • Open text, log, and other ASCII files in the internal text viewer

  • Download files then open in an external program

  • Download files and share them as email attachments

  • Download files, make edits, then upload the modified version

  • Automatic and transparent file integrity checking

  • Create, rename, and delete folders

  • View download progress

  • Abort transfers and retry failed transfers

General Settings and Logs

  • Clear profile and vault caches

  • Specify the maximum cache size

  • Enable logging, including verbose logging

  • View detailed transaction logs

  • Email logs to your administrator

  • Clear all logs

  • Disallow password saving (global option)

  • Custom/branded profile icons (optional)

  • Chose light or dark theme

NOTE: For MTC programmatic control, search for "MTC" in  the COM API Reference.