Performance Counters

EFT can publish a series of counters to Window’s Performance Monitor (search Windows for perfmon). Counters are used to provide information as to how well a system is performing. This data can help administrators better understand crucial performance metrics and size the requirements of their EFT infrastructure as new requirements are placed on the system.

To view EFT counters

  1. In the Windows Search box, type perfmon, and then click Performance Monitor.

  2. In the navigation pane, expand Monitoring Tools, click Performance Monitor.

  3. Click anywhere In the right pane, then click Add Counters.

  4. In the Add counters dialog box, scroll through the alphabetized list to find EFT counters.

  5. Click the counters, click Add >>, then click OK.

  6. Clear or select the check boxes that you want to hide or show.

Below is a description of each Counter:

Server-Level Counters




Admin Accounts

Number of administrator accounts defined for this server


Admin Accounts Locked Out

Number of administrator accounts currently and temporarily locked out of the server


Admin Sessions

Number of authenticated administrators with an active session


ARM Queue Size

Size of audit queue. Values exceeding ten thousand may indicate problems with your database


ARM Stalled Audit Events

Number of audit events delayed for longer than ARMLogStalledThreadministratorDuration (The duration is set to 1 second by default.)

Number of sites


Number of Sites currently defined for this server. Updated infrequently


Sites Enabled

Number of Sites enabled


Sites Started

Subset of defined Sites that are actively listening for connections. Updated infrequently


Workspaces Licenses Assigned

Total number of Workspaces in use and not expired. Includes folder shares, file sends, and drop-offs


Workspaces Licenses Available

Total number of Workspaces licenses available for use or assignment

Site-Level Counters



Number of running event rules

Event Rules Number of rules defined on the Site

Event Rules Size of Async Events Queue

Size of asynchronous event queue. Values exceeding a few score should be looked at.


Event Rules Client Downloads 

Active downloads from a remote server originating from EFT as a client


Event Rules Client Download Bytes /sec

Rate at which EFT-initiated downloads are occurring measured in bytes transferred


Event Rules Client Uploads 

Active uploads to a remote server originating from EFT as a client


Event Rules Client Upload Bytes /sec

Rate at which EFT-initiated uploads are occurring measured in bytes transferred


Event Rules Disabled

Event rules currently disabled. You can configure a script to alert you if this number exceeds a defined threshold


Event Rules Running Async Events

Number of running asynchronous events. A high number could indicate a need for more nodes or improved rule logic

Number of running Advanced Workflow Actions

Event Rules Running Advanced Workflow Tasks

Number of running Advanced Workflow workflows. A high number could indicate a need for more nodes or improved workflow logic

Number of running Cloud Upload Actions

Event Rules Running Cloud Upload Actions

Number of event rule actions uploading to a cloud storage provider such as Azure or AWS

Number of running Cloud Download Actions

Event Rules Running Cloud Download Actions

Number of event rule actions download from a cloud storage provider such as Azure or AWS

Number of running Download Actions 

Event Rules Running Download Actions

Number of event rule actions where the action is downloading a file from a remote host

Number of running Upload Actions

Event Rules Running Upload Actions

Number of event rule actions where the action is uploading a file to a remote host

  Event Rules Size of Async Events Queue  

Size of Advanced Workflow Actions queue

Event Rules Size of Advanced Workflow Actions Queue

Size of Advanced Workflow queue. Values exceeding a few score should be looked at


Event Rules Triggered

Number of event rules currently active. A high number could indicate a need for more nodes or improved rule logic

  Folder Monitor Worker Threads  
  Socket Connection /sec  


Number of Templates defined for this Site. Updated infrequently. (Note that the is a "hidden" template for Remote Agents.)

  Timer Rule Worker Threads  

Number of clients

User Accounts

Number of User accounts defined for this Site. Updated infrequently.


User Accounts Disabled

Subset of this Site's User accounts that are currently in a disabled state. Updated infrequently.


User Accounts Locked Out

Subset of this Site's User accounts that are currently locked out. Updated infrequently.


User Downloads  

Active downloads from EFT originating from remote clients. Juxtapose with CPU, disk, network, and similar metrics to assess performance impact


User Downloads Bytes /sec

Rate at which downloads are occurring by connected clients measured in bytes transferred


User Login Failed Bad Password /sec

Rate at which user are failing to authenticate due to a valid username but invalid password being provided. There are mitigation techniques you can use if frequent attacks on root or administrator


User Login Failed Non-existent Username /sec

Rate at which user are failing to authenticate due to an invalid or non-existent username being provided.


User Login Success /sec

Rate at which users are authenticating successfully and turn into an active session. See User Sessions for count of actively connected users.


User Sessions

Number of authenticated users with an active session. Does not count stateless HTTP/S connections


User Uploads 

Active uploads to EFT originating from remote clients. Juxtapose with CPU, disk, network, and similar metrics to assess performance impact


User Upload Bytes /sec

Rate at which uploads are occurring by connected clients measured in bytes transferred


Workspaces Drop-offs

Number of drop-off requests active and not expired


Workspaces File Sends

Number of file send operations that are active and have not yet expired


Workspaces Folders Shared

Number of folder shares that are active and have not yet expired

See also Measuring EFT Performance with Perfmon.

For information about using Performance Monitor, refer to Windows Performance Monitor Overview on the Microsoft Tech Community website.