DMZ Gateway Headless Administration

Configuration and administration of the DMZ Gateway is typically performed using the DMZ Gateway administration interface. This interface runs local to the DMZ Gateway Server and uses a local-only TCP/IP connection to configure the DMZ Gateway Server and to obtain status and statistical information. Administrators of headless systems have the following options for configuring and monitoring the DMZ Gateway:

  • Use a remote X11 server to display the administration interface

  • Manually configure and monitor the DMZ Gateway Server through the file system

X11 Server Method

While the exact steps required to display the administration interface remotely may differ from system to system, the following steps are typical:

  1. Ensure the X11 Server is running on the host system on which the user interface will be displayed.

  2. Allow the DMZ Gateway computer access to the X11 Server using the xhost command. For example, issuing the following command in a terminal window on the host system will allow access to all incoming IP addresses:

    xhost +

  3. Log in to the DMZ Gateway computer as a user with the appropriate permissions to run the DMZ Gateway administration interface.

  4. Export the display to the host X11 server by issuing the following command in a terminal window:

    EXPORT DISPLAY=<Host IP>:0.0

  5. Execute the DMZ Gateway administration Interface script in a terminal window:

    <Installation Directory>/bin/DMZGatewayadministrator

    For example:


Manual Configuration Method

The DMZ Gateway Server may be configured by manually editing the DMZ Gateway Configuration file gwconfig.xml. For details on the configuration file, refer to DMZ Gateway Server Configuration File Reference.

It is highly recommended that the configuration be edited while the DMZ Gateway Server is not running; changes made to the configuration file will not take effect until the DMZ Gateway Server is restarted.